terça-feira, 3 de setembro de 2013


i already wrote about my love for hampstead heath on this blog (here, for those of you who are more distracted) but i never wrote about my love for meeting new amazing people in this city, so, here is the perfect post for that.
this is Rebe, she is this girl full of life, of positive attitude, of talent (she is an actress as well as a journalist) and with a determination that inspires me. being around her always results in laughs and good times.
this week we are both celebrating our first year anniversary living here and i will also be celebrating the fact that in these 12 months our paths crossed.
and yeah, that is Rebe in hampstead heath. and that first one is just an accidental floor shot, in case you were wondering.

sábado, 31 de agosto de 2013

first day of Summer.

on the first day of Summer (yes, it did take me a lot of time to get this film developed) we decided to go to the beach. so i packed my recently bought Lady Danger lipstick and my camera - and because this is the UK i also packed my hoodie and a scarf - and we headed to Brighton. 

domingo, 25 de agosto de 2013

gorda junto ao mar.

we finally finished uploading all the photos from the roadtrip to the tumblr we created specially for it. enjoy.